Marion Avanzini

Serien 2002 – 2025



11 Ölbilder, 2003 - 2006

Die Serie ist von einem Text Ingeborg Bachmanns inspiriert: „Mir sind die Augen aufgegangen. Wir sagen das nicht, weil wir eine Sache oder einen Vorfall äußerlich wahrgenommen haben, sondern weil wir begreifen, was wir noch nicht sehen können. Und das sollte die Kunst zuwege bringen: dass uns, in diesem Sinne, die Augen aufgehen…” (Ingeborg Bachmann, Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar)

Oil painting "Down the rabbit hole Pt I", 2003, 50x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Down the Rabbit Hole 1

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



70 x 50 cm

Oil painting "Down the rabbit hole Pt II", 2003, 50x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Down the Rabbit Hole 2

Mischtechnik auf Öl



70 x 50 cm

Oil painting "Down the rabbit hole Pt III", 2003, 50x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Down the Rabbit Hole 3

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



70 x 50 cm

Oil painting "Down the rabbit hole", 2003, three parts, 150x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Down the Rabbit Hole – gesamt

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



70 x 150 cm

Oil painting "Revolution, Evolution, Deconstruction"2005, five parts, 150x250cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Revolution Evolution Deconstruction

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



150 x 250 cm

Oil painting "No exit", 2005, 160x80cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

No Exit

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



160 x 80 cm

Oil painting "Not you", 2006, 120x80cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Not You

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



120 x 80 cm

Oil painting "Out of the blue", 2005, 120x80cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Out of the Blue

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



120 x 80 cm

Oil painting "Down by the water", 2005, three parts, 100x210cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue. amber and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Down by the Water

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 210 cm

Oil painting "For E, 2004, 120x70cm, two parts by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades and deep blue with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints

For E

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



120 x 70 cm

Oil painting "Lost highway", 2004, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Deep blue and venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Lost Highway

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 100 cm



Micro Cuts

3 Ölbilder, 2008 - 2010

Leinwände, die Antworten auf Ihre Verletzung geben, Malen als „Zumutung“ (hands are red with your blame / a blade cuts in your brain). Der Titel entstammt dem Song der Band Muse, in dem Bilder wie „sounds like forks on a plate“ und „blackboard scratched with hate“ von Geräuschen ähnlich dem Schaben einer Spachtel auf der Leinwand entworfen werden. Die erste großflächige Serie entstand in den Jahren 2008 bis 2010.

Oil painting "Destroying violence", 2009, 150x250cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Destroying Violoence

Öl auf Leinwand



150 x 250 cm

Oil painting "No bleeding anymore", 2009, 150x250cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

No Bleeding anymore

Öl auf Leinwand



150 x 250 cm

Oil painting "Rebooting fear", 2009, 150x250cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Rebooting Fear

Öl auf Leinwand



150 x 250 cm



Wo es anfängt aufzuhören

8 Ölbilder, 2002 - 2005

Worte bleiben zwischen den Farbschichten und müssen nicht gelesen werden, sondern dürfen für sich bestehen: „… wo ich anfange aufzuhören, wo ich aufhöre, anzugehören.“ (Ingeborg Bachmann). Zwischen den dichten Rottönen finden sich Sprachfragmente, die oft nicht lesbar sind, sondern vielmehr als Geheimbotschaften verstanden werden können.

Oil painting "Tribute to Ingeborg II, 2002, three parts, 210x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red an cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, reversed inscriptions of poems from Ingeborg Bachmann integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Tribute to Ingeborg Pt II

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



210 x 100 cm

Oil painting "Tribute to Ingeborg I, 2002, three parts, 100x210cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red an cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, reversed inscriptions of poems from Ingeborg Bachmann integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Tribute to Ingeborg Pt I

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 210 cm

Oil painting "Ohne Hirn", 2004, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months

Ohne Hirn

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 100 cm

Oil painting "Ohne Text", 2004, 80x80cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months

Ohne Text

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



80 x 80 cm

Oil painting "Endless", 2005, eight parts, 140x190cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months


Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



140 x 190 cm

Oil painting "Ohne mich", 2005, 100x120cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months

Ohne Mich

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 120 cm

Oil painting "Ohne Ziel", 2004, 100x120cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and cobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months

Ohne Ziel

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 120 cm

Oil painting "Ohne Sie", 2005, two parts, 70x120cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments

Ohne Sie

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



120 x 70 cm



Herzen im Staub

7 Ölbilder, 2002 - 2018

„Im Widerspiel von Unmöglichem und Möglichem erweitern wir unsere Möglichkeiten – (…) dass wir uns orientieren an einem Ziel, das freilich, wenn wir uns nähern, sich noch einmal entfernt.“ (Ingeborg Bachmann, Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar). Ein Bild als mehrdimensionalen Augenblick erleben: Vorder- und Hintergrund verweben sich zu zwei Ebenen, die einander verdecken und wiederum sichtbar machen.

Oil painting "Du wirst mich lieben", 2002, 120x120cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and Kobalt blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Du wirst mich lieben

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



120 x 120 cm

Oil painting "Postcardiotomie", 2003, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months


Öl auf Leinwand



100 x 100 cm

Oil painting "S.H.E", 2003, 140 x 120 cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months


Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



140 x 120 cm

Oil painting "Herzen im Staub",2008, two parts, 100x200cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, reversed inscriptions of a poem from Ingeborg Bachmann integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Herzen im Staub

Mischtechnik auf Leinwand



100 x 200 cm

Oil painting "La Familia", 2012, two parts, 135x220cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

La Familia

Öl auf Leinwand



135 x 220 cm

Oil painting "All Beauty", 2013, 180 x 120 cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of months

All Beauty

Öl auf Leinwand



180 x 120 cm

Oil painting on wood "In die Mulde meiner Stummheit", 2018, 50x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and amber in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, reversed inscriptions of a poem from Ingeborg Bachmann integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

In die Mulde meiner Stummheit

Mischtechnik auf Holz



50 x 100 cm



So wie es war

9 Ölbilder, 2020 - 2024

Die aus Ölbildern und Graphiken bestehende Serie entstand während und nach der Corona-Pandemie in einer Zeit tiefgreifender Veränderungen. Der von einem Lied der Band AnnenMayKantereit inspirierte Titel soll an das Gefühl des unwiderruflichen Wandels erinnern. Die Werke thematisieren das unwiederbringlich veränderte Vertraute und bilden den Bruch zwischen „damals“ und „jetzt“ ab.

Oil painting "Cov19 Rupture", 2020, two parts, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and amber in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, Gaffa-Tape

Cov19 Rupture

Öl auf Leinwand



100 x 100 cm

Oil painting "Alternative Channels", 2021, two parts, 100x200cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red, amber and ultramarine blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Alternative Channels

Öl auf Leinwand



100 x 200 cm

Oil painting "No joy in repetition", 2021, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red, amber and ultramarine blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

No Joy in Repetition

Öl auf Leinwand



100 x 100 cm

Oil painting "Follow the Queen", 2022, 80x80cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red and ultramarine blue in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Follow the Queen

Öl auf Leinwand



80 x 80 cm

Oil painting "Brain Fog", 2023, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Brain Fog

Öl auf Leinwand



100 x 100 cm

Oil painting "Discovering new paths", 2024, 100x100cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments, applied layer by layer over the course of month

Discovering new Paths

Öl auf Leinwand




Oil painting "Is it your heart", 2024, two parts, 80x120cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments

Where is Your Heart

Öl auf Leinwand



80 x 120 cm

Oil painting "Is it your heart I", 2024, two parts, 80x80cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments

Where is Your Heart Pt I

Oil on canvas



80 x 80 cm

Oil painting "Is it your heart II", 2024, two parts, 80x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Venetian red in various shades, with intense color brilliance achieved through the highest quality artist oil paints containing the finest pigments

Where is Your Heart Pt II

Öl auf Leinwand



80 x 40 cm




11 Ölbilder


Micro Cuts

3 Ölbilder


Wo es anfängt

8 Ölbilder


Herzen im

7 Ölbilder


So wie es war

9 Ölbilder



11 Ölbilder


Micro Cuts

3 Ölbilder


Wo es anfängt

8 Ölbilder


Herzen im

7 Ölbilder


So wie es war

9 Ölbilder