Marion Avanzini

Serien 2001 – 2025


Nothing is right

9 Graphiken, 2001 - 2007

In den frühen 2000ern dominierte die Medizin den Alltag, doch die Kunst forderte dennoch Raum und Zeit. *Nothing is right* entstand in langen Nächten, unterstützt von Musik und markierte den Beginn eines spannenden Balanceakts zwischen Kunst und Medizin. Die Entdeckung durch die Galerie Ariadne führte zu den ersten größeren Ausstellungen.

Graphic "Heal", 2001, 38x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal, and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



38 x 24 cm

Graphic "Ice habe die Wahrheit gesehen I", 2001, 28x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions of a poem from Ingeborg Bachmann integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Ich habe die Wahrheit gesehen I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



28 x 41cm

Graphic "Ice habe die Wahrheit gesehen II", 2001, 28x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions of a poem from Ingeborg Bachmann integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Ich habe die Wahrheit gesehen II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



28 x 41cm

Graphic "MID-CABG", 2001, 28x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal, and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



28 x 41cm

Graphic "Re-opening", 2002, 28x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



28 x 41cm

Graphic "Ich denke also bin ich", 2004, 30 x 40 cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal, and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Ich denke also bin ich tot

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 40cm

Graphic "Crush", 2005, 40x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, black and white, drawn with charcoal and graphite pencil on paper.


Mischtechnik auf Papier



41 x 28cm

Graphic "It will not end", 2005, 42x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

It will not end

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 31cm

Graphic "Dream", 2007, 42x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 31cm




10 Graphiken, 2005

„Zumutbar“ entstand 2005 für die Einzelausstellung „Zumutbar“ und trägt den Titel eines Zitats von Ingeborg Bachmann: „Die Wahrheit ist dem Menschen zumutbar.“ Neben großformatigen Ölbildern umfasst die Reihe auch Grafiken, die von dominierenden Farben wie Rot und Blau geprägt sind. Wie gewohnt finden sich spiegelverkehrt eingravierte Texte, die an die Werke von Bachmann, Friederike Mayröcker („… und wie bestürzend die Erfahrung solch erfundenen Glücks“) und N.C. Kaser („… kalt in mir“) angelehnt sind. Diese Grafiken laden dazu ein, sich mit der komplexen Natur der Wahrheit auseinanderzusetzen. 

Graphic Collage Header of the Series "Aproppriate", consisting of 10 graphics
Graphic "Erklär mir nichts - don't explain anything to me", 2005, 30x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions of a poem from Ingeborg Bachmann is integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Erklär mich nichts

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 41 cm

Graphic "For Alice", 2005, 3x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

For Alice

Mischtechnik auf Papier


30 x 41cm


Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate I", 2005, 30x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 1

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 41cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate II", 2005, 31x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 2

Mischtechnik auf Papier



31 x 31cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate IV", 2005, 31x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 4

Mischtechnik auf Papier



41 x 30 cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate V", 2005, 31x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 5

Mischtechnik auf Papier



41 x 30 cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate VI", 2005, 31x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 6

Mischtechnik auf Papier



41 x 30 cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate VII", 2005, 31x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 7

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 41 cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate VIII", 2005, 30x41cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 8

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 41 cm

Graphic "Zumutbar - Appropriate XII", 2005, 31x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Zumutbar 12

Mischtechnik auf Papier



31 x 31 cm



Short Cuts

16 Graphiken, 2009 - 2017

Die Essenz des Augenblicks wahrnehmen und graphisch festhalten: „Short Cuts“ sind 20 x 20 cm große visuelle Notizen oder „Minute-Pics“, die eine seit fast 20 Jahren andauernde Geschichte forterzählen. Den zu Hause ebenso wie auf Reisen entstandenen Werken bzw. Momentaufnahmen, fügen spiegelverkehrt eingravierte Zitate aus Gedichten oder Musik zusätzliche Tiefe hinzu.

Graphic "Colle III". 2009, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Colle III

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20

Graphic "Colle IV". 2009, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Colle IV

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Colle V". 2009, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Colle V

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20

Graphic "Colle VI". 2009, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red nd blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Colle VI

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Colle VII". 2009, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Colle VII

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Summer II"; 2009, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Summer II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Getting older", 2010, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Getting older

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Nordsee", 2010, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk and pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Starting again II", 2010, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk and pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Starting again II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Starting again IV", 2010, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk and pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Starting again IV

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Port of Pula", 2011, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Port of Pula

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Summer Pt I", 2011, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Summer part I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Summer Pt II", 2011, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Summer part II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Nussdorf III", 2012, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Nussdorf 3

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "Cold light of morning", 2013, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, black and white, drawn with felt-tip pen on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Cold Light of Morning

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm

Graphic "what is inside", 2017, 20x20cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

What is Inside

Mischtechnik auf Papier



20 x 20 cm



Wiederkehrende Gedanken

17 Graphiken, 2009

Durch die intensive und invasive Arbeit im Krankenhaus sowie die neue Erfahrung der Herzbildgebung mittels Magnetresonanztomographie blieben nur wenige Stunden für die Kunst. Im Kopf aber entstanden Bilder von immer wiederkehrenden Gedanken: visualisierte Metaphern von Kreuzungen, Engstellen, Sackgassen und Irrtümern.

Graphic "Bifurcation management", 2019, 40x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Bifurcation Management

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 30 cm

Graphic "March 09", 2009, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "Fallen", 2010 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Northwind", 2010, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "One after Another", 2010, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

One after Another

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Every Year", 2011, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Every Year

Mixed Media on Canvas



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Memories", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "No word can safe us", 2011, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

No Word can save us

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "October", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "Part of one", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Part of One

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "September", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "So easy", 2011, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

So easy

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Wisdom Pt I", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Wisdom pt 1

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "Happy Easter - again", 2013, 38x55cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Happy Easter again

Mischtechnik auf Papier



38 x 55 cm

Graphic "Home", 2016, 45x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 40 cm

Graphic "You will solve it", 2016, 42x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

You will solve it

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 42 cm

Graphic "New Year", 2018, 33x45cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

New Year

Mischtechnik auf Papier



33 x 45 cm



Graphisches Tagebuch

29 Graphiken, 2011 - 2025

Es begann 2005 in New York und ein Ende ist nicht absehbar. Statt das Erlebte, Gesehene und Gedachte in Worte zu fassen, entstehen spontane Zeichnungen mit Graphit und Ölkreide, um die äußeren Eindrücke und inneren Reflexionen schnell einzufangen. Das GTB wurde zu einer kreativen Projektionsfläche, ganz gleich ob in Metropolen, zu Hause, menschenleeren Landschaften oder inneren Welten.

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Vienna again", 2011, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Vienna again

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “And time goes by", 2012 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

And Time goes by

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Maybe one day”, 2013, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Maybe one Day

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Nussdorf III”, 2012, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Nussdorf III

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Reha I”, 2013, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Reha I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Too much”, 2013, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper.

Too much

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Berlin", 2015 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper.


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Home again, 2019, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Home again

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Niederneustift II, 2019, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper.

Niederneustift II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Reha I”, 2019, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Reha I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Ein neues Jahrzehnt”, 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and amber, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Ein neues Jahrzehnt

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Everything starts and ends with a "C"”, 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper

Everything starts and ends with a C

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Niederneustift”, 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Worueber wir nicht sprechen koennen ”, 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper

Worueber wir nicht sprechen koennen

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Hvalfjardarsveit”, 2021, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Niederneustift”, 2021, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Torre di Cala piccola”, 2021, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper

Torre di Cala Piccola

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Canal sul Sile”, 2021, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper

Canal Sul Sile

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Niederneustift”, 2022, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red, amber and blue, drawn with oil chalk, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Oeblarn II”, 2023, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper

Oeblarn II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Buje”, 2023, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Joachimsberg”, 2023, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Muttertag”, 2023, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Niederneustift”, 2023, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, red and yellow, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Polarkreis Wintterrreise 23”, 2023, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep and light blue, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper, Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Polarkreis Winterreise

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Fact finding”, 2024, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red and amber, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper, Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Fact finding

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Paudorf”, 2024, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper, Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Reichenau”, 2024, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, deep red, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper, Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Insight into the GRAPHIC DIARY: “Summer 24”, 2024, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini, abstract composition, orange and red, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, Felt-tip pen and graphite pencil on paper

Summer 24

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm




23 Graphiken, 2010 - 2019

Die teils großformatigen Graphiken aus Ölkreide und Graphitstiften spiegeln Abschiede, Entscheidungen, innere Umbrüche und das Betreten neuer Räume wider. Mit intensiven Linien und tiefen Farbschichten hebt die Serie „Nirgendwo“ das Gefühl des Schwebens zwischen Orten und Entscheidungen hervor, was auch einer künstlerischen Erkundung des Ungewissen in einer Zeit des Wandels gleichkommt. 

Graphic "England I", 2004, 40x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

England 1

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 30 cm

Graphic "England II", 2004, 40x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

England 2

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 30 cm

Graphic "England III", 2004, 30x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

England 3

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 40 cm

Graphic "England IV", 2004, 30x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

England 4

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 40 cm

Graphic "England V", 2004, 40x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

England 5

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 40 cm

Graphic "On the road again", 40x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

On the Road again

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 30 cm

Graphic "Happy new year" 2012, 32x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Happy New Year

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 40 cm

Graphic "40th anniversary", 2012, 40x32cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

40th Anniversary

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 32 cm

Graphic "Cut it out", 2012, 70x50cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Cut it out

Mischtechnik auf Papier



70 x 48 cm

Graphic "Nussdorf I" 2012, 50x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Nussdorf 1

Mischtechnik auf Papier



50 x 70 cm

Graphic "Nussdorf II" 2012, 70x50cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Nussdorf 2

Mischtechnik auf Papier



70 x 50 cm

Graphic "Nussdorf IV" 2022, 70x50cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Nussdorf 4

Mischtechnik auf Papier



70 x 50 cm

Graphic "Nussdorf V" 2012, 50x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Nussdorf 5

Mischtechnik auf Papier



50 x 70 cm

Graphic "In the South" 2013, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

In the South

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 30 cm

Graphic "Selva" 2013, 45x36cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 35 cm

Graphic "Soth-East II" 2013, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

South East II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Detrimental alterations" 2014, 45x38cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Detrimental Alterations

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 38 cm

Graphic "Do not look back", 2014, 33x45cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper.

Do not look back

Mischtechnik auf Papier



33 x 45 cm

Graphic "Back Slash" 2016, 48x70cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Back Slash

Mischtechnik auf Papier



48 x 70 cm

Graphic "Schoeneben -this kind about me and kind about you", 2017, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Some things remain", 2019, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Some things remain

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "End your own" 2019, 18x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

End your own

Mischtechnik auf Papier



18 x 24 cm

Graphic "Niederneustift I" 2019, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Niederneustift I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm



Aufbruch in den Norden

7 Graphiken, 2023

Mit dem Ende der ärztlichen Tätigkeit begann eine Reise in den hohen Norden Europas. Endlose Weiten, intensive Nordlichter und die klirrende Kälte des Polarkreises erweiterten den Blick und die Farbpalette: leuchtende Gelb-, Grün- und Orangetöne ergänzten Rot- und Blaunuancen. Neben Ölkreide und Graphit fanden auch Pastellkreiden und Filzstifte ihren Einsatz.

Graphic "Bremerhafen I", 2023, 42x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Bremerhaven I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 33 cm

Graphic "Bremerhafen II", 2023, 42x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Bremerhaven II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 33 cm

Graphic "Bremerhafen III", 2023, 42x33 cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Bremerhaven III

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 33 cm

Graphic "Inndyr", 2023, 33x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and green, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



33 x 40 cm

Graphic "Into the North I", 2023, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Into the North I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Into the North II", 2023, 40x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Into the North II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 33 cm

Graphic "Winterreise II", 2023, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Winterreise II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm




33 Graphiken, 2023 - 2024

Sechs Monate Lateinamerika: Von Kolumbien über Argentinien bis Chile. Die Werke zeigen Landschaften und Begegnungen, Szenen vom „Día de los Muertos“ aber auch Armut und Flucht. Mit Ölkreiden und Stiften entstehen Bilder in kräftigen Farben und dynamischen Linien, die die Farben, das Licht und die Intensität festhalten.  

Graphic "CDMX I", 2024, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "CDMV II", 2023, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Columbia I", 2023, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Columbia II", 2023, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Columbia III", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and green, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia III

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Columbia IV", 2023, 32x28cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia IV

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 28 cm

Graphic "Columbia V", 2023, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia V

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Columbia VI", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia VI

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Columbia VII", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and green, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia VII

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Columbia VIII", 2023, 24x32cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Columbia VIII

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 32 cm

Graphic "Guadalajara", 2023, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Pacifico III", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico III

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Pacifico IV", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico IV

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Pacifico V", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico V

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Pacifico VI", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico VI

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Pacifico VII", 2023, 32x28cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico VII

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Pacifico VIIa", 2023, 32x28cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico Vlla

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 28 cm

Graphic "Pacifico VIII", 2023, 32x28cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pacifico VIII

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 28 cm

Graphic "San Miguel de Allende", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

San Miguel de Allende I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "San Miguel de Allende II", 2023, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

San Miguel de Allende II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "San Miguel de Allende III", 2023, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and green, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

San Miguel de Allende III

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Atacama", 2024, 18x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



18 x 24 cm

Graphic "Atitlan I", 2024, 18x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue and green, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Atitlan I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



18 x 24 cm

Graphic "Atitlan II", 2024, 18x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Atitlan II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



18 x 24 cm

Graphic "El Paredon I", 2024, 2-teilig, 48x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

El Paredon I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



2 x 24 x 18 cm

Graphic "EL Paredon II", 2024, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

El Paredon II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Guatemala City I", 2024, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Guatemala City I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Guatemala City II", 2024, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Guatemala City II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Maipo I", 2024, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Maipo II", 2024, 24x18cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Maipo II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



24 x 18 cm

Graphic "Mar del Cobo", 2024, 28x34cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, multicoloured, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Mar del Cobo

Mischtechnik auf Papier



28 x 34 cm

Graphic "Mendoza, 2024, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



28 x 34 cm

Graphic "Santiago I", 2024, 18x27cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, blue and amber, drawn with oil chalk, oil pastell, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Santiago I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



18 x 27 cm



So wie’s war, wird’s nie wieder sein

26 Graphiken, 2020 - 2025

Die aus Ölbildern und Graphiken bestehende Serie entstand während und nach der Corona-Pandemie in einer Zeit tiefgreifender Veränderungen. Der von einem Lied der Band AnnenMayKantereit inspirierte Titel soll an das Gefühl des unwiderruflichen Wandels erinnern. Die Werke thematisieren das sich unwiederbringlich veränderte Vertraute und bilden den Bruch zwischen „damals“ und „jetzt“ ab.

Graphic "After the party", 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and ultramarine blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

After the Party

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Hollenstein, Day 2", 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, ultramarine blue and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Hollenstein Day 2

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "TLocked ink, Locked out", 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Locked in locked out 2

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Niederneustift 20", 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Niederneustift 20

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Stay at home", 2020, 32x28cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Stay at Home

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 28 cm

Graphic "There is lightning I", 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

There is Lightning I

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "There is lightning II", 2020, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

There is Lightning II

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Let it go", 2022, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in ultramairine blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Let it go

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "No consensus" 2022, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

No Consensus

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Nothing", 2022, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Pressure for nothing", 2022, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Pressure for nothing

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Waiting for the miracle", 2022, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and ultramairine blue drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Waiting for the Miracle

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Wash out", 2022, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Wash out

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Birthday card", 2023, 22x16cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Birthday Card

Mischtechnik auf Papier



22 x 16 cm

Graphic "Morning light", 2023, 45x33cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and ultramairine blue drawn with oil sticks, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Morning Light

Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 33 cm

Graphic "Again", 2024, 40x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks and pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 40 cm

Graphic "Chaos again", 2024, 41x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Chaos again

Mischtechnik auf Papier



41 x 31 cm

Graphic "Escape", 2024, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "Faber saved my life", 2024, 40x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and amber, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Faber saved my Life

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 40 cm

Graphic "La hermosa fracture", 2024, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

La hermosa Fractura

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "Le Val", 2024, 41x31cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Le Val

Mischtechnik auf Papier



41 x 31 cm

Graphic "Miedo", 2024, 40x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 40 cm

Graphic "Soledad", 20214, 40x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 40 cm

Graphic "Starting a new game", 2024, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and ultramairine blue drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Starting a new Game

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm

Graphic "To stand still", 2024, 30x21cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, amber and ultramairine blue drawn with oil pastel, charcoal, felt-tip pens and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

To stand still

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 21 cm

Graphic "These were the days", 2024, 32x24cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in ultramairine blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

These were the days

Mischtechnik auf Papier



32 x 24 cm



is right

9 Graphiken



10 Graphiken


Short cuts

16 Graphiken


Wiederkehren­­de Gedanken

17 Graphiken



29 Graphiken



23 Graphiken


Aufbruch in
den Norden

7 Graphiken



33 Graphiken


So wie's war wird
es nie wieder sein

26 Graphiken


Nothing is right

9 Graphiken



10 Graphiken


Short cuts

16 Graphiken



17 Graphiken



29 Graphiken



23 Graphiken


Aubruch in
den Norden

7 Graphiken



33 Graphiken


So wie's war
wird es nie
wieder sein

26 Graphiken