

17 Graphiken, 2009
Graphic "Bifurcation management", 2019, 40x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Bifurcation Management

Mischtechnik auf Papier



40 x 30 cm

Graphic "March 09", 2009, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "Fallen", 2010 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Northwind", 2010, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "One after Another", 2010, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

One after Another

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Every Year", 2011, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Every Year

Mixed Media on Canvas



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Memories", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "No word can safe us", 2011, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, oil pastel, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

No Word can save us

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "October", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "Part of one", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Part of One

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "September", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "So easy", 2011, 42x30cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

So easy

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 30 cm

Graphic "Wisdom Pt I", 2011, 30x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Wisdom pt 1

Mischtechnik auf Papier



30 x 42 cm

Graphic "Happy Easter - again", 2013, 38x55cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

Happy Easter again

Mischtechnik auf Papier



38 x 55 cm

Graphic "Home", 2016, 45x40cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning


Mischtechnik auf Papier



45 x 40 cm

Graphic "You will solve it", 2016, 42x42cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

You will solve it

Mischtechnik auf Papier



42 x 42 cm

Graphic "New Year", 2018, 33x45cm, by Marion Avanzini: Abstract composition, predominantly in red and blue, drawn with oil sticks, charcoal and graphite pencil on paper. Reversed inscriptions integrated into the artwork hint at hidden layers of meaning

New Year

Mischtechnik auf Papier



33 x 45 cm